On Monday, September 3rd, we celebrated Mabrie's 2nd birthday! It was such a fun day. It was the Labor Day holiday, so the whole family was home and we made a day of celebrating her.
We woke up and made her cupcakes, wrapped presents and after we all got dressed and ready she got to open her toys. One of her gifts was a little race car track that she had played with at a friends house a few days prior to her birthday. She literally sat for 30 minutes or more playing with it and I told Mike that we HAD to get her one. It kind of went against all that I stand for - you know, little girls need pink, girly things - NOT cars!! HAHA! Even Macie was a little concerned that we were shopping in the "boy toy" section of Walmart. But, she loves it and has played with it every day since. She'll come walking out of her room carrying it behind her and say, "I play my race cars!" Too funny!
After she opened her gifts, we headed to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch. All 3 of the girls were pretty excited about that. They used up 100 tokens and got some really awesome prizes. (Sense my sarcasm??) We don't go to C.E.C. very often, so when we do, it's a real treat for the girls. They all enjoyed it and Mike and I may have enjoyed a few rounds of Ski Ball, too. :)
When we got home, we sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cupcakes. Well, Mabrie more or less licked her cupcake - she may like to play with cars, but she's still girly when it comes to getting her hands dirty. HAHA!
She's such a blessing to our family! She's funny and feisty. Sweet and sassy. All the things you'd expect from a 3rd born. :)
She talks so well and says some of the funniest things. She likes to play with her "cook", which is her kitchen stuff, her race cars, her dolls (she's very well rounded). If she is asking for something, she always says "my my" - like, "I want my my cup" or "I play my my cook". We aren't sure why she says it twice. Maybe she's trying to reiterate that whatever she wants/needs is HERS and no one else's. But, it's cute nonetheless. She loves to watch TV. I mean, I seriously have to limit it or she would have a show on every waking moment. Doc McStuffins (or Doc D. Stuffin, as she calls it), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Bubble Guppies, Team Umizoomi and Little Einsteins are her top picks. She can maneuver my iphone like nobody's business. She could probably live on popsicles and chicken nuggets if I'd allow it. She loves going to church and from what I understand, she can dominate her class full of boys. HA! She's quite the little character, but we wouldn't change a thing about her.
Mabrie - mommy and daddy can't believe you are already 2! You have blessed us and are loved more than you'll ever know! We pray for your little life - that God would use you in a great way as you grow. We are so thankful that God gave you to us. Happy Birthday, little goose! We love you!!
She looks SO grown up! My 5 year old loves cars too...I finally gave in as well and let her get a few! :)