Thursday, October 28, 2010


We have never been very creative with our pumpkins. They are usually the standard: triangle eyes, circle nose and a funky mouth. Until this year. Macie is really into Hello Kitty all of a sudden and was determined that her pumpkin look like the famous cat. I looked at Walmart to see if they had any sort of template and had no luck. I just assumed that we'd do our normal and somewhat boring pumpkins again. Well, Mike thought otherwise. He got online and looked at some pictures of Hello Kitty, grabbed a pen and free handed her face on the pumpkin. And after some sweet carving skills (and one power tool) he came up with this little cutie - and one happy little girl! Such a good daddy!

Then, not to be outdone, Maddie needed a cool pumpkin, too. She decided she would like Ho-Ho the monkey from Ni Hao Ki-Lan. So, back to the computer he went for a picture and grabbed his pen and went to town. His drawing skills amaze me. There's no telling what these would have turned out like had I been the one to draw and carve these!

Make that 2 happy little girls in our house tonight. :) Mabrie can pick her favorite character next year!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Did NOT teach her this!

You know, there are some things your kids do that make you so proud - getting good grades in school, being kind to their friends and siblings, cleaning up their messes without being told, etc.

Then, there are days they get out of the bathtub and show you this and all you can do is laugh - and fear that they are for sure going to marry a redneck:

Oh Maddie - you sure make this house a lot of fun! :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sister Time

I had a great week last week. My sister, Debbie, was FINALLY able to come here for a long awaited visit! She bought a buddy pass last February to come visit us and got snowed in - IN ATLANTA of all places! Hasn't snowed there in years, and the very day she was supposed to fly out, downpour. Awesome. Then, she thought she'd just wait and come in September, right after Mabrie was born. And much thanks to some crazy parasite that about did both her and my brother-in-law in, that trip was canceled. She finally decided that she'd try and book the trip for mid-October and thankfully, everything worked out so that she could come.

We had a blast! We did all the normal sister stuff - shopped, talked, went out to lunch, cooked dinners together, laughed and just enjoyed our time so much. She had only seen Mabrie in pictures and on Skype, so she was thrilled to get to see her in person and hold her. I was so glad that she was able to see her while she was still "new" - you know - still a true newborn. It's amazing how fast they outgrow that sleepy newborn stage and I hated to think that she was going to miss that.

Our time flew by, but we enjoyed every minute. Looking forward to when we can do it again!