I've always known that Maddie, our middle child, was a good helper. She's always willing to go get things, put things away, help clean up, etc. But tonight, God showed me something special about her.
We were all sitting on the couch talking and watching TV and Maddie remembered that I had bought grapes the last time we went to the store. She said, "momma, do we still have those grapes?" I said yes and told her that if she wanted some they would need to be washed first. She hopped right up off the couch and went in and started washing. I thought she would come back with a bowl for herself, but what she did showed me something very special about her. She did wash the grapes, but instead of thinking of herself first, she came in with a small bowl for each of us. She passed them out and then went back to get her own. It was like God spoke to me right there and said, "Chrissy, she is a servant and a worker!"
She's more than just a helpful little girl. She has a God-given servant's heart. She loves to do things for other people. It's not all about her first, which typically isn't a common trait among small children. Well, really, it's not a common trait among most adults, if we are being completely honest.
I prayed in that moment that God would help me to foster that heart for service and that God would show Mike and I how to raise her to serve him and serve others. So thankful how God can use something so small to teach us something about our children.
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Comeback Sauce
3 days ago
I love this! It is easy to just do life & not stop and truly listen to our kids & see how God is working in their lives! (And ours!)