Monday, September 13, 2010

10 Days

It's already been 10 days since Mabrie joined our family! What a little blessing she is! She is such a good and easy baby. That was something I prayed for throughout the pregnancy. I had myself ready for anything, but was hoping for the best. I'm so thankful that my prayers were answered though. :)

Right off the bat, we started her on the Baby Wise schedule. I'm one of those people that just functions better on a schedule and it's proven to be successful with Macie and Maddie, so it was a must again with Mabrie. She eats every 3 hours during the day and then most days has a time of being awake and then moves into nap time for the last hour or so until it's time to eat again. She has worked herself into her own great schedule at night, and I am loving it. She gets up once a night, eats, and hits the sack again until about 6:30 a.m. She does great in her bed, although she had no choice in the matter, so I guess she has learned to like it or lump it. HAHA!

Macie and Maddie have transitioned really well to having a new baby in the house. They just adore her and love to hold her. It's funny though how quickly the newness wears off and how the two of them have become good buddies - even more so than they were before. They seem to understand that I am busy with her a lot and they will go off and play together more often now.

The first week and a half home have been really great. We are thankful for all our friends that have provided meals so that I can just rest and recoop. It's been a real blessing and very appreciated. I'm also thankful that last week my mom was able to come here and help me out. She cleaned, did laundry, took the girls to and from school, cooked some and helped with Mabrie so that I could nap as needed. Plus, we got to enjoy some time together, which is always great! She even kept all 3 girls on Friday night so that Mike and I could go out to dinner, just the 2 of us. We weren't gone long, but it's still nice to have a date and some grown up conversation.

Today was my first day to do it all by myself and it went surprisingly well. I got everyone up, dressed, fed, lunches made, etc., etc. and to school on time! YAY! All in all, it's been a great day. Now, I'm ready for Mike to get home from work and enjoy our evening together. Have a great week everyone!


  1. Seriously! You are super mom! I think Carolina has been more on a schedule than any of my other children, but she still has her stubborn moments! I am so happy she is settling in with her place in your family. She is precious!

  2. She is so cute! Makes me want another! (HA!) Yay for a good schedule and for sleep! I love Baby Wise and did it with my girls too!
