It's been a great summer break for our family! We've visited Mike's family over Memorial Day, spent a few days with my family in St. Louis in June, enjoyed lots of time in the pool, had play dates with a bunch of friends, and just enjoyed the lazy days of summer right here at home.
It always seems to go by so fast and before I turn around, Walmart is restocked with Back to School supplies and we are finding our lists of things to buy for the new year. This time we had 2 lists to shop from - Macie's 3rd grade list and Maddie's Kindergarten list. They had so much fun getting their things for school. I remember being in Elementary and how much I loved picking out a new backpack, lunch box and all my supplies. I may be showing my age here, but remember when we had to get Art boxes and they were similar to those old cigar boxes? They were kind of a hard cardboard and the top just lifted up but didn't snap closed? I loved those things! I also got a huge kick out of picking out a new Trapper Keeper! I thought they were just awesome! :)
I know the girls are both ready and excited for school to start back. I am looking forward to the routine that the school year brings, but I'm also going to miss the ease of summer break. We have enjoyed our time together this summer so much.
I told Mike on Sunday that my new goal was to get up early and do my workout before getting the girls up and ready each morning. He laughed at me knowing that I've said this before but never done it. I'm happy to report that the past 2 mornings, I've been up at 6:45, workout clothes on and having a little quality time nice and early with Jillian. She's definitely not very pleasant that early in the morning. My poor body is feeling the pain today, too. But, I really want to stick with this. It feels so good once I'm done and know that I started my day off doing something good for my body. Hopefully, I can stick to it and continue doing my workout before 7:00 a.m. - then get the girls up and start our morning.
Tomorrow is the first day of school and we are all looking forward to a great school year. The girls are excited about their new teachers and are ready to get started. My prayer for them is that they will be great students, excel in their studies and be a light for Jesus in their school. I love you Macie and Maddie - it's been a fun summer! Here's to a great school year!
Comeback Sauce
3 days ago
I cannot believe that the summer is over! Good luck Maddie & Macie!